contact & info

Address :

Újezd 33, Prague 1, 18000

Tram stop Újezd or Hellichova – trams 9, 12, 20, 22; three stops from Metro A Malostranská station

150m from the Petřín funicular

Contact phone :

(+420) 605489085 / 603454240

Opening times* :

Monday / on call*

Tuesday / 12:00 – 18:00

Wednesday / 12:00 – 18:00

Thursday / on call*

Friday / 12:00 – 18:00

Saturday / on call*

Sunday 12:00 – 18:00

*NOTE : Opening times may vary, depending on weather or other conditions. We may be open on these days, but you may call us in advance at the contact phone to arrange a meeting. Even if the store is closed, we can usually open the store for you within 30 minutes or later on the same day.

We accept all major credit cards except AmericanExpress.


Orders & Shipping

We can process orders on-line at the email address; we can provide further images. We deal with these orders on custmer basis.

We can ship items overseas, even when ordering in the store at Ujezd. Shipping and item costs are paid in full in-front. Shipping costs are individual depending on weight and chosen delivery method and carrier.